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1 Kings 3:1-15 “Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern these great people of yours?”

Solomon prayed for wisdom because with wisdom comes everything. What do you pray for the Lord to bless you with? This is the perfect moment to think deeply and honestly about what you truly pray about. Are you praying too small? Meaning instead of praying for wisdom that will benefit you in all areas of your life, are you praying for just one small thing?

It’s time to reflect on your prayers and learn something from Solomon. Looking at the big picture in life is a tool that many people forget to use. Are you making an important decision or choice in your life? Look at the big picture.

For example, are you considering looking for a new job? This new job might be the answer to your prayers, but before you accept it look at the big picture. How far away from your home is it located? How many hours will you be working? Is travel involved? Does it offer benefits?

You might find your dream job and think that all of your prayers have been answered. However, when you look at the big picture you might discover that this new dream job means you are going to commute to work 2 hours per day, bring work home with you and require you to work overtime without extra pay. This means you will spend more time away from your family. Plus when you do arrive home you have to continue working which takes the attention away from your family again. The big picture revealed that the only benefit you will receive is more money in your bank account. But it will take away the most important things in life including time with your family, exercising on a regular basis and enjoying life on weekends.

When you pray, begin by looking at the big picture of your situation. All of the components and people involved should be considered. Think deeply how each individual will be affected by your decision. Decide if this is going to be beneficial to your life or not. You might find that a dream job is not what you want to pray for. Instead, you might prefer to pray for a good job that is close to home and allows you to spend more time with your family. Solomon prayed on a bigger scale. Are you doing the same?

Wil 2015Wilson Alvarez is a Business & Technology Evangelist residing in Miami, Florida, and also runs the Christian Chamber of Greater Miami. He is passionate about Christ, and Market Place Ministries  and ties them both together to form CCOGM.  With extensive knowledge in the Technology field, he has aligned himself with the ultimate resources, blogs and aggregates them via this medium & shares them within his tribe. Gallup says: Wilson is an Activator, Futuristic, Relator, Ideation and WOO! If you are interested in taking your business to the next level via his Platform Builder Technology, may be the key to that path. If you are interested in talking to Mr. Alvarez, or have him speak in your office environment, feel free to call him at 844-772-9305.