Your beliefs play an important role in manifesting your reality. As a business person, you have a specific way of thinking about business. Chances are you have created specific rules that support your way of thinking. You probably have run your career and business using these beliefs and rules for a long time. Whether you are doing well in business or not, your belief system has shaped your reality. What are beliefs? You probably already know what beliefs are, but we are going to explore it a bit more for a moment. The clear definition of beliefs is your actual thought about how life is. This includes your current perception, how you think it could be and how you think it should be. We follow our own belief systems and it gets ingrained in our sub-conscious mind. This allows us to a point where we get on auto-pilot and allow the beliefs to guide our actions and thoughts without us even realizing it. An excellent example of this is driving a car. When you first drive a car you pay attention to everything carefully. You make sure you use your seatbelt, mirrors, lock your doors, and stay aware of every stop sign, red light, and other cars that get too close to your car. After you drive a car for a few months or longer, you begin to go on auto-pilot. Have you ever driven somewhere and got to the destination and realized you couldn’t remember how you even arrived? What streets did you take, did you stop at the red lights? It’s actually a scary moment when this happens. The repetition of driving a car and doing the same thought process such as stopping at the red lights, stay in your lane and other driving rules are natural and easy for you. It allows you to do something as important as safely driving a car into traffic without you realizing it. This is similar to your belief system about business. It’s in your subconscious mind and dictates your thoughts. Well, this is great if you have an amazing belief system about business. But, what if you have struggled in business and this is now engraved in your sub-conscious mind. You can be sabotaging your own business without even realizing it. Take a moment to review your own belief system. Is it something that helps you or hinders you? Is it time to create a new beneficial belief system?