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Psalm 55:14- We who had sweet fellowship together Walked in the house of God in the throng.

A congregation’s goal is to be able to spread the word of the Lord to as many people as they can. A part of this is being able to show new members that they are wanted and welcomed into the church- but, are we doing an effective job at it?

Here are a few questions we should ask ourselves:

  1. Are you showing the intent of having new members?

As basic as this is, some churches fail to show the interest of accepting new members simply by the way they position themselves. This may be through signage’s, welcome signs, location directions or even obvious entrance ways.

  1. Do you have effective greeters?

It is essential for each congregation to have their own set of Sunday greeters who are tasked to greet each church member at the entrance to either show them to their respective places (Sunday school, bathroom, etc.), to entertain new comers, answer their queries and of course, inform them of anything that they need to know.

Effective greeters can make a huge difference in making new comers feel welcomed and encourage them to come back.

1 Peter 4:9- Be hospitable to one another without complaint.

  1. Do you single out your new comers?

One thing that makes me chuckle about some services is when they single out new comers, requesting them to stand up and identify themselves during the start or the end of the service. While it’s one thing to acknowledge them, doing so in such manner may be a little bit too much attention then they’d actually like which may discourage them from actually coming back.

  1. Do you show interest in your visitors coming back?


This part can be a little tricky as you can either show your enthusiasm in a visitor coming back but a little too much enthusiasm can also smother them. A light and easy note or email inviting them over again can be an effective way to show your interest in having them join you in the next Sundays to come.

1 Thessalonians 5:11- Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.

Are you making visitors at your church feel welcome?