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Psalms 27:14 – “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.”

Throughout your lifetime, you will have seasons that cause you to wait for the LORD. Timing is a complex issue that is difficult to grasp. Today let’s focus on Kairos time and Chronos time.

Kairos time is a timeframe or a moment in time that something of significance or importance happens according to God’s plan.

Chronos time relates to an appropriate time for something to be accomplished or occur. The time frame is often predicted by humans.

A good example is: A married couple is overjoyed to be expecting a child. The doctor explains the expected due date of the child’s birth will be May 26th. However, As the Chronos time due date approaches, the mother goes into labor early and the child is born on May 24th instead. This is an excellent example of Chronos time vs. Kairos time.

Have you ever expected to achieve something within a specific amount of time? Sometimes you can work hard to achieve a goal within a specific time frame but it doesn’t come to fruition when you thought it would. It is important to set goals, stay focused and work towards achieving goals. However, giving yourself a specific deadline on when the goal needs to be achieved causes stress.

Instead, you should continue on your path to achieving the goal, and allow the timing to be in God’s time. Remember, God’s special timing can come before or after your own personal deadline. The best part of God’s timing is that it usually happens in perfect timing.

Many people become upset, angered and stressed when they are not able to meet their goals within a specific time frame. It often discourages people to continue further with their goals or causes them to quit trying to achieve them. If you trust in the Lord that everything will happen in good timing, you won’t be so hard on yourself.

Think back to moments in your life when you said: “Wow! That happened in perfect timing!” There are most likely dozens of moments you will recall. Now think about one of those situations and imagine if things happened when you “wanted” them to instead of in God’s timing. You will find that God’s special timing is better than our own.

Wilson AlvarezWil 2015 is a Business & Technology Evangelist. Mr. Alvarez is a John Maxwell Certified Speaker, & loves ministry work. He has been involved in Kairos Prison Ministry as well as other Men Ministries. He is the President of the Christian Chamber of Greater Miami. Mr. Alvarez’s talents, according to GallupActivatorFuturisticRelatorIdeation and WOO! For ministry opportunities please contact Mr. Alvarez at 305-386-6165 or via