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Matthew 22:37-39 – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

The political journey that is happening at this moment in the United States has evoked so much hate in people throughout the United States and the world. In the past, political views weren’t always peaceful, but people found it in their hearts to respect others opinions and views.

Over the past few days, riots that show people throwing bricks at police officers and causing damage to nearby stores and businesses have shown that people need to learn to love thy neighbor. The United States allows freedom of speech. It is everyone’s right to use it at their convenience in a peaceful manner. However, purposely causing damage to property and to other people needs to stop.

People should treat others how they want to be treated. Would you want to be stoned because you are protecting property or your family? In the bible, people were stoned to death for many different reasons. The news revealed police officers were getting stoned with bricks from those who were rioting. In order to take control, the officers were forced to use rubber bullets, tear gas, pepper spray and force. This was violence fighting against violence.

You might not be able to stop the rioting, but you do have control over your own actions. You can conduct yourself in a way that is more similar to Jesus, than those rioters you see on the news. There were also peaceful protests that happened throughout the world recently. Most protests were calm, organized and got their point across. However, hatred was in the hearts of many participants.

It is important to have your voice heard and do your part to help a cause. But you don’t have to show hatred towards others as you do it. You gain more respect handling situations in a positive way rather than a rude manner.

John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

In the above scripture, Jesus asks that we all love one another as he has loved us. This action proves that we are all living by the word of God. If you find yourself in a heated confrontation with others that are showing hatred towards you, remember to show love towards them.

Wilson AlvarezWil 2015 is a Business & Technology Evangelist. Mr. Alvarez is a John Maxwell Certified Speaker, & loves ministry work. He has been involved in Kairos Prison Ministry as well as other Men Ministries. He is the President of the Christian Chamber of Greater Miami. Mr. Alvarez’s talents, according to GallupActivatorFuturisticRelatorIdeation and WOO! For ministry opportunities please contact Mr. Alvarez at 305-386-6165 or via