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Turkey, stuffing, parades, football, shopping and family come to mind when you think of the Thanksgiving holiday. However, the first true Thanksgiving was something quite different. In 1620, following the Mayflower’s arrival the Pilgrims lost 46 colonists out of 102. The Native American Indians in the area joined together and helped the remaining Pilgrims survive through a harsh winter. As a result of their kindness, the Native American Indians, and the Pilgrims achieved creating a bountiful harvest and celebrated with a three-day festival of eating and celebration.

Unfortunately, this story gets lost in the celebration in today’s world. However, most of us do manage to be thankful for all of our blessings. To take things a bit deeper, let’s look towards the Bible.

Psalm 42:4 “These things I remember as I pour out my soul; how I used to go with the multitude, leading the procession to the house of God, with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng.”

This scripture shows us that the celebration of thanksgiving can take on many meanings in a variety of situations. The United States celebrates Thanksgiving for a multitude of reasons including personal blessings and the opportunity to live in a great country.

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, let’s all take the time to truly think about what we are most grateful for in life. The list will be endless for most of us. This feeling of gratitude should be highlighted on Thanksgiving Day as you spend time with your family and enjoy the festivities.

It is important to take the time to reflect on your life and find things to be thankful for. In today’s world, people have busy schedules and spend most of their time rushing from one place to another. It is often rare that many of us get a moment of peace to calm our minds and be grateful. Try to find some time before the holiday arrives to truly reflect. In addition, finding quiet moments to reflect throughout the year will also reduce stress and keep your faith strong.

I am grateful and thankful for many things in my life. However, as a business owner, I am truly thankful for my clients and future clients. Your loyalty and business mean the world to me. I really could not do it without you! I am sending thoughtful wishes to you and your families as we all give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you abundantly!

Wilson AlvarezWil 2015 is a Business & Technology Evangelist,  Wilson loves ministry work and is involved in Prison Ministry as well as other Christian Ministries including the current President of the Christian Chamber of Greater Miami. With extensive knowledge in the Technology field, he has aligned himself with the ultimate resources, blogs and aggregates them via this medium & shares them within his tribe. Gallup says: Wilson is an Activator, Futuristic, Relator, Ideation and WOO! If you are interested in taking your business to the next level via his Platform Builder Technology, may be the key to that path. For ministry opportunities call 305-386-6165.